Gallery of things to 'guide' on the journey

attempt | can't miss | why the hell else would I do this?
Upper Left on a Map | Northwest
If you get this view, we hope you're off the Scooter
Olympics ~ call it good
(hop to Vancouver) 

Upper Right on a Map | Northeast
Lubec, Maine
find something further east? | go do it

Lower Left on a Map | Southwest
San Diego, California 
or take a risky Tia Juana visit

Lower Right on a Map | Southeast
Key West, Florida
You could do Miami but why miss The Keys?

Do Death Valley | just don't die there


Attempting to reach some points listed on this website can be extremely, ridiculously dangerous. Trying could lead to both minor and major accidents resulting in injury or death | Some locations are in rugged, isolated regions, where even minor mishaps can escalate quickly into a life threatening crisis | Locations can be on areas where access comes with a warning of its own or is restricted. Trespassing in these areas can result in being arrested, yelled at, shot at, or some other even worse outcome. Always remember that any right of access to areas is in constant change. Past access does not guarantee present access | By use of information on this website, the reader or anyone the reader passes this information off upon, hereby releases the authors and webmasters from liability for any injury, including but not limited to monetary loss, loss of body parts, reduced or total collapse of mental health, death, and other damages that might in any way be connected with this website, events or ideas generated from such.

This is serious shit. Don't do things you are not equipped, prepared, or trained to do.  It's dangerous. It's ridiculous.

We are not responsible for you, your choices, your friend's choices or your family being sad and all lawsuit-feeling once you are no longer with the human race or incapable of being the whole person you are right now while reading this message. 

© Copyright RIDEiculous 2018